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Join us for meditation and discussion online

Prairie Mountain Zen Center welcomes people of all faiths and backgrounds. We seek to make Zen practice available to everyone regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity, religion, political affiliation, economic class, sexual orientation, age, and ability.  We recognize that the practice of sitting quietly with yourself, surrounded and supported by others doing the same, can benefit everyone. In our practice, we value both our differences and what we share.

Sunday January 21


Virtual Field Trip to Nebraska Zen Center

This Sunday, we are promoting a chance to join a dharma talk by Rev. Daishin McCabe at Nebraska Zen Center. Daishin will explore a Chinese saying: “recite a poem while viewing the moon and flowers,” or  誦月吟花. He will look at ways our Zen practice incorporates the natural world and how this integration relates to our lives.

Practice zazen for 20 minutes with PMZC fat 8:30am MT followed by a 10 minute break. Then, switch to NZC Zoom for zazen and chanting. The Dharma talk starts at 9:40 AM MT on NZC's Zoom link.

8:30 am - 8:55 am MT Zoom Link
9:00 am - 11:00 am MT NZC Zoom Link


Sunday January 28


The Platform Sutra 

This Sunday, we will have a Dharma talk by Rev. Chikyo Ewan Magie, introducing the PMZC Winter 2024 class on the Platform Sutra.

In this class, we will study the foundational elements of the Buddha Way as expressed in The Platform Sutra, 6th Zen Ancestor Huineng’s teaching composed by his followers in 9th century, many years after his ascending into the role from humble illiterate beginnings as a rural woodcutter in the agrarian South and then arising eventually to full Zen presence in northern China. The Platform Sutra is one of the fundamental texts in Mahayana and Soto Zen Buddhism, studied widely at many temples around the world.


With study and practice, gradually we will come to understand the sutra as a profound guide to the practice and awakening at the heart of the Bodhisattva Way, the inheritance we all receive from the Everyman Huineng, the ability of any person to awaken.

The six-week class will begin on February 1 at 6:30pm MT.

Practice zazen for 20 minutes, kinhin for 10 minutes, zazen for 20 minutes followed by a 10 minute break. The Dharma talk starts at 9:30 AM MT.

8:00 am - 10:00 am MT  Zoom Link


Tuesday Evening Fort Collins In-Person Practice

Tuesday Evenings sittings are at Plymouth Congregational Church in Fort Collins. This event is not online and all are welcome on a drop in basis.


The entrance is from the parking lot on the north side of the Church. Enter from Prospect Ave.​

6:15 - 8:00 pm MT - Plymouth Congregational Church, Fort Collins

GMZC tulips.jpg

Thursday Evening Dharma Study

Sit zazen as a group for 30 minutes then discuss Zen with fellow practitioners. No preparation is required. This week, we will be discussing Training in Compassion: Zen Teachings on the Practice of Lojong by Norman Fischer.

6:30 - 8:00 pm MT   Zoom link

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