Mondays and Wednesdays, 6:30 am

We offer a 40 minute period of zazen starting at 6:30 am. When you join,
you can begin meditating without waiting for the 3 bells that mark the beginning of the sitting.
There will be one bell at the end of the sitting, and the robe chant will be chanted 3 times at that point. The morning chants are available on the Resources/Chants tab on our website.
If you wish to stay for the bowing and chanting service, we will have a couple minute pause to set up and then we will proceed with 3 bows, chanting with bows, sitting for the Heart Sutra, and 3 bows with bells. Our morning ends with 3 full bows towards each other, and then an optional short greeting and check in for the remaining participants.
We will be offering English only chanting on Monday mornings, and chanting in Japanese on Wednesday mornings. The instructions for the bowing and chanting service are on the Morning Service on the website, which you want to print out.
While everyone’s arrangement for participating by zoom is unique, for meditation you may want to consider facing a wall, with the camera showing you in profile. For the bowing and chanting portion you may want to face your home altar, with your camera showing you in profile. Rest assured no one is monitoring you during the meditation and chanting, (because all participants are busy meditating and chanting) so you are free to figure out whatever style of participation works for you.