On Sunday Nov. 1 our guest speaker will be Dokai Georgesen, guiding teacher of Hokyoji Zen Center. Dokai began his study of Zen Buddhism at Minnesota Zen Meditation Center under the direction of Dainin Katagiri Roshi in 1974. He spent two years on pilgrimage studying Buddhism in India and Japan, and upon his return in 1982 he lived at Hokyoji until his ordination in 1984.
In 1989 he received Dharma Transmission from Katagiri Roshi, and since then he has made several trips to Japan for study under the late Ikko Narasaki Roshi, Tsugen Narasaki Roshi and the late Taizan Maezumi Roshi. He has also had the opportunity to study at Plum Village in France under the direction of Thich Nhat Hanh. He has been residing at Hokyoji since June, 2003.
Please join us online for meditation at 8:30 am and the talk at 9:30. https://zoom.us/j/434117703