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Rev. Tenku Ruff, Osho

Our guest speaker on Sunday Nov. 22 will be Rev. Tenku Ruff, Osho.

Tenku Ruff, Osho is a Soto Zen Buddhist priest, professional chaplain, and Director of Spiritual Services at Phelps Hospital, in New York. Following extensive training in Zen monasteries in Japan and North America under Tessai Yamamoto Roshi, Abbot of Kannonji Temple in Morioka, Japan, Tenku received Dharma transmission (teaching authorization) in the same lineage. Tenku is the former President of the Soto Zen Buddhist Association, holds a Master of Divinity degree from Maitripa College, and she is a Board Certified Chaplain (BCC). Tenku has strong interest in ethics, inter-Buddhist/interfaith dialogue, and ways people can support each other and grow through challenges in life. Tenku Osho is the head priest of Beacon Zen Temple in Beacon, New York.

Please join us online for meditation at 8:30 am and the talk at 9:30.

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